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  • Because your customers are demanding it

  • Because you need it to keep up with your competition – over 50% of your competitors are ISO certified.

  • To acquire new business and retain existing customers

  • Because it is required to do business with many of the largest firms – Boeing, HP, Dell and others – and with the government.

  • Because you want to be able to answer “yes” to the first question on most Supplier Evaluation Surveys that ask if you are ISO certified.

  • Because you want to drive business improvements within your organization and be able to document your processes so that there is consistency in the day to day operation.















  • The main roadblocks companies face in getting ISO certified are time, money and internal know-how and resources.

  • Companies that go it alone without strong internal ISO certification expertise often end up spending significantly more time and money than is necessary.

  • Internal staff spends extra hours documenting unnecessary processes.

  • Do-it-yourself guides don’t effectively integrate ISO requirements with existing company programs and processes.

  • Without experience it can be difficult to balance ISO requirement compliance with ease of implementation within the company.

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